The first step to uninstall NuFile is to visit the Applications folder. To find the specific uninstaller, check the website of the app publisher. Alternatively, you can simply use the "X" button in the Applications menu. In addition to preferences, NuFile also adds application support files and caches to your Mac. The steps are straightforward and should not be difficult for a non-technical user. To continue, follow the instructions below to remove NuFile from your Mac.
Then, install a free, professional uninstall tool to complete the process. The installation process of NuFile is considerably easier with such a tool. The app's intuitive interface allows users to select a new file from a list of pre-defined templates. To add a new file to an existing template, simply right-click on the file in the Finder, choose "New File" from the menu, and press the enter key. The application creates a copy of the selected file in Finder.
In the case of Mac OS X and Linux, the installer now includes a shortcut to the Applications folder. You can run NuFile applications anywhere by clicking on the arrow on the installation window. In the case of Windows, you can install a third-party uninstaller for NuFile. Alternatively, you can manually uninstall NuFile from your system by typing the appropriate commands at the command prompt. If you have a non-Apples computer, you can download the latest version from the website.